Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Help For The Weary

I was on the phone with my BEST FRIEND :) AD last night, and we were talking about her sweet-little-peanut-baby, Charleigh.2921_565618948265_33405019_33688178_6421329_n

 Charleigh is not quite two months old, so mommy and baby are still getting to know one another and are still trying to establish normal feedings and sleep times.

I remembered this blog that my friend Sherrie used when she first had her baby. It's called Chronicles of a Babywise Mom (www.babywisemom.blogspot.com) and it is fantastic. Her blog is based on the Babywise books by Gary Ezzo, which are all about getting your baby on a schedule, so that both you and baby know what to expect throughout your day. He also has written books taking the reader through the transition from baby to toddler, toddler to preschooler, even up to becoming a teenager.


I've only read Babywise and Toddlerwise, and they were both really helpful.


So I just thought I'd share that with my public (all 3 of you, haha) for what it's worth. Motherhood (and Fatherhood...but not as much as motherhood...haha) can be tough, so we'll take all the help we can get!

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