Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Feelin' Hot Hot Hot

For those of us who live in the Southeast, it's usually only two temperatures in the summer: hot.....or really hot. 

Today, I took the boys for a playdate at the park. At one point during our visit I was quite certain that I left the playground entirely and entered one of The Nine Circles of Hell from Dante's Inferno. Yeah, it was THAT HOT. One nice thing about the park is that it has a great bike/walking path and a beautiful lake with a manmade stone creek that the kids can walk in all the way down to the lake. But the heat...OHHH THE HEAT! :)

When it's hot like this, I can't help but think about the women who used to have to wear the corsets and the petticoats and the big bustling skirts...and NO AIR-CONDITIONING! THOSE POOR WOMEN! How Scarlett O'Hara didn't just keel over and die in Gone With the Wind is a mystery to me. 

So I know you'll be shocked, but I think I'm ready for summer to come to a close. I'm ready for the cooler temperatures that come with the fall. I'm ready for my boys to be in preschool (3 mornings a week) and to have some time back to myself, even though I feel guilty for saying it. I'm looking forward to dressing the kids up for Halloween, and having all the family together for Thanksgiving.

What's your favorite season?


  1. Normally, it would be summer, but this year it forgot to arrive. We've been stalled in spring-like weather forever. Not fun. All I can say is we'd better have a mild winter this year. ;)

    Lynnette Labelle

  2. Fall/ Winter. I live in Washington and we've had hotter than normal temps, we don't have airconditioning, so when the temps soared over 100, we got a small window unit and all five of us jockeyed for best position. We are now back in the 70 temps and I'm thrilled to no end.

    I love fall because the kids go back to school, the air is so fresh, the colors in nature are absolutely beautiful, and it has some great holidays. Fall is definitely my favorite.

    I grew up in Montana, below zero temps were common. That is the type of winter I love. Dry and frigid. We live on the Western side of Washington state which means our temps range from the high 30's to 40's with lots of rain. Blech! On the rare times we get snow and it gets cold, I'm right outside with the kids.

    Here's to cooler days ahead!
