Wednesday, April 6, 2011

A Picture Is Worth A Thousand Words

I have never taken a picture that so accurately represents my life as a mom/writer. You will notice:

1) There is a laptop charger,

2) the laptop charger is covered in a mysterious brown substance that could be either a) poop from my three-year-old, since he still doesn't know how to wipe his own behind and likes to touch things that look like they might be a toy, b) dog poop, since she gets mad at me for ignoring her in favor of playing with my imaginary characters, one of whom has a cat, and my dog hates cats, or c) a chocolate bar - melted because I stuffed said chocolate bar into my computer bag so I would not have to share it with aformentioned three-year-old (selfish? yes. necessary to my sanity? absolutely.) and then accidentally put my hot laptop charger in the bag on top of said chocolate bar.

What do you think? Poop or chocolate? What would your picture look like?

* For the record, it's chocolate, and I will neither confirm nor deny eating it right off the charger.


  1. Please tell me chocolate. Please.

    My picture would be me in my pajamas entirely awake, but sleepy-eyed typing furiously.

    Oh, and three girls begging for Goldfish behind me.
    ~ Wendy

  2. Too funny. You never save chocolate, just eat it as fast as you can next time.... :O)

  3. My picture would include me holding a cup of coffee, wearing workout clothes, with a glob of snot running down my shoulder. Yum.

  4. Did you smell it?? I say Bella....that crazy dog!!

  5. Lol~ I thought it was a sort of chocolate.
    Oh my~ I think I am going to vomit about this.
    haha~thanks for sharing though.

    My blog :comment divorcer sans avocat 

  6. Lol~ I thought it was a sort of chocolate.
    Oh my~ I think I am going to vomit about this.
    haha~thanks for sharing though.

    My blog :comment divorcer sans avocat 
