Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Why I love Stephenie Meyer (author of Twilight)...

The Twilight Saga. Translation? The books Twilight, New Moon, Eclipse, and Breaking Dawn; all written by Stephenie Meyer. This woman has singlehandedly changed my life. Her books have made me fall in love with reading again...and inspired me to write as well.  

I used to read all the time, before I had my kids...then I went into survival mode. I had only read ONE entire book in almost four years! And I think the only reason I was able to read that ONE book because I was on vacation! (That book, by the way, was Redeeming Love, a FANTASTIC book by Francine Rivers, that my dear friend is also trying to turn into a movie!) But I digress...

That's right, the very book/movie that has left teen girls swooning nationwide is now this (almost 30 year old) mother's obsession. Twilight is "my own personal brand of heroine" (shout out to all of you who know what I mean!). I can't stop. I've read all 4 books (and let me tell you, they aren't short!) twice, and I'm on my third round. I've seen the movie more times than I care to admit.

What's the draw? Edward! For the record, Bella is a fantastic character too, but Edward...ohhh Edward. He's the perfect man, er, vampire. He's the reason that there are women (my age and much, much older!) swooning just like the aformentioned teenaged girls.

Meyer has created a character who, in my opinion (and Bella's too) is more romantic than Romeo himself (and every other  male lead I can think of in literature). If you can just get past the fact that he wants to kill her (which isn't hard to do, trust me!) then you would agree.

So to all my lady friends out there, and any curious male friends too (Attention husbands: READ THIS BOOK) - if you haven't already read Twilight, read it!

1 comment:

  1. You are such a spaz. They were pretty darn amazing.
    We have to get you reading again, we should have some kind of online book club. How rad would that be?
    By the way, I LOVED Redeeming Love!! Sooooo good.

    Did Mike read the books? I made Jona go see the movie with me and he hated it. But that could be because of some of the wierdo fans there.
