Wednesday, April 20, 2011

10 Breakout Prompts from Agent/Author Donald Maass

Plenty of people talk about Twitter, Facebook, and other social media sites and how important it is for you to get yourself out there. Build your platform! Build a following! But what is forgotten is how these social media sites are also HUGE TOOLS for a writer's toolbox. 

Here's just one more reason why if you're not on Twitter, you SHOULD be: Donald Maass. He is a literary agent and author whose books, Writing the Breakout Novel (and companion Workbook) and The Fire in Fiction, have made a huge impact on my own writing (and no, he hasn't paid me to say this). And I know plenty of other writers who would say the exact same thing (and I'm pretty sure he hasn't paid them either. But if you have, Don, you can mail my check to...).

If you are on Twitter*, you can follow him at @DonMaass. If you are not, I have pulled ten of his breakout writing prompts from Twitter and placed them here. Twitter is FREE, dear writers. And it isn't scary, I promise! It is full of hugely helpful FREE information that you might be missing out on! So without further ado...Mr. Donald Maass.

Which prompt did you find most helpful? And special thanks to Donald Maass, for just being his awesome self.

*You can also follow ME on Twitter @bethmann15


  1. Don't you just love inspiration in 140 characters or less? I love me some Twitter!

  2. I love you blog and you're so right about Mr Maass. I read his breakout book years ago and still have it on my bookshelf. I regularly refer to it, even now. Not read 'The Fire in fiction' - must get a copy...
    My favourite prompt is number 10! Delight and disgust are two delicious words...

  3. Heather - Yes, I do! Have a wonderful day, friend.
    Pat - Thank you so much! Yes, The Fire in Fiction is WONDERFUL! I like #10 as well, though #7 is my personal favorite. Thank you for following the blog, and I hope you enjoy what you read here! :)

  4. Brilliant! He's so good. You, too, for sharing his wisdom. Thanks, Beth!

  5. I like #7. I want to do Twitter...someday I'll meet you there. I know I should and I even bought a book to help me. Maybe once school is out...

  6. Janna - Thanks! He really is good!
    Laura (I will always have trouble calling you Laura instead of Mrs. Groves!) - Yes! GET ON TWITTER! It's so easy, I promise. Such a great tool!

  7. Great prompts! I want his book Fire in Fiction.

    As for Twitter, I'm trying to figure it out. Sometimes I get a little lost, LOL.

  8. Is this in English? I need you to translate what *conflicting* emotions are? And it took me to point 7 to figure out MC.

    "Your Mom"

  9. He seems to be really great!
    I would love to follow him as well,
    MC means?

    Faye from visseuse dévisseuse 

  10. Great blog and post, keep it up i will be subscribing to your feed!
